Rambo's Chihuahua Blog

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What Kind of Animal is this??

My G-mom found this on the internet and I asked her to post it on my blog. What the hell is this? Is this some kind of animal? Should I pee on it? I have never seen anything like this in my life. I think it is pretty funny looking. I hope it doesn't live near me!!
Nothing exciting is going on in my life. I am practicing the things I have learned in obedience class. Last night I went for a walk with Sam. The walk ended too soon because Sam was being bad. I was just getting into all the smells around the neighborhood. Sam woke up the two mean dogs in the neighborhood. They wanted to attack us, but I was not scared because Sam is bigger than them. We walked by Goliath and I was scared because he is bigger than Sam. He did not want to eat us though. He is pretty nice for a big dog!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Back to Obedience Lessons

I went to my second obedience lesson today. Clover and Ginger were both there. Clover is a jack russel terrier and Ginger is a mutt. I am the only male dog there. Yippy!!!! I got there early and was walking around Petsmart when I spotted a German Shephard. I charged towards him but my leash held me back. I wanted to get him before he got me. Yeh, I know, I have a fear aggression problem, not "little dog" syndrome. I know I am a little guy...give me a break. The lesson was boring. The only interesting thing was the gas that Ginger kept passing. Must have been some bad kibble!! She also pooped and peed on the floor. What is wrong with her?? Doesn't she know to do that before she comes in the store? I am not very friendly. I have socialization problems, so Bill says. I hide under the chair and hope no one will see me. I think I have this problem because I spent nine days lost in the woods. I had to fend for my life. Maybe I will grow out of it, maybe not. I snapped at Ginger....I act like a bad boy.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Chihuahua Baby was Here??

This is a picture of Jade Alayna. She is the new one in our family, but I don't really know what she is. She came over to our house today for a little while. She is very cute, but she doesn't do anything. I sit and watch her and she just lays there and sleeps. She doesn't want to play with me. I try to get her attention, but she ignores me. I like to smell her. She smells good. She makes some noises and my mom picks her up and holds her. My G-mom likes to hold her. I like to smell her...she smells very different. She doesn't smell like the other dogs. Maybe she's not a dog?

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Rambo Under the weather.

This is my G-mom. I love her!!
Today I watched football all day. Go Colts!!!! I have not been feeling very well. I have been very tired and sleeping alot. The medicine the vet gave me tastes like bubble gum and I don't like it. I spit it out sometimes, but most of the time my mom puts it in the back of my throat so I gag!! It also has an aftertaste and it gives me the diarrhea. But my G-mom says I must take it.
I went to Petsmart yesterday for my first obedience lesson. I don't really need it...I think I am a pretty good dog. I think my G-mom is afraid that I might run out the door if it is left open. That's how I got lost the last time. I was at a strangers house and a little girl was chasing me around, she was scaring me, so I ran towards the door. It was slightly open, so I bolted out and never looked back. I ran into the woods and was there for nine days before I was rescued.
Anyway, I will go to Petsmart and do my obedience lessons and make my G-mom happy.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My Trip to the Veterinarian

I went to the vet today. I still have a runny nose and am sneezing more than I normally do. My right nostril feels weird, but I can't tell anyone of course. I do not like going to the vet. I get the shakes I am so scared. The doctor is very nice, but that does not matter. I still don't like the place. The doctor stuck one of those stick things up my rear, I held my breathe. Then she looked in my mouth, nose and eyes. I just stood there, tried not to cause any trouble. I wanted this over as soon as possible. She told my G-mom that my right nostril was irritated, but that she did not see anything stuck up there. Maybe the pincher thing went into my brain?? She said that it is possible that it is too far up to see it. She told my mom that I would have to take medicine for a week and if that doesn't help that she would have to stick on of those hard things up my nose and have a good look. OH NO!! I dont want to.....maybe I'll fun away for good this time!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Something's stuck in my nose.

I was outside sniffing around today, as usual. I went into the planter in the corner of the yard because something smelled really good. I was very curious and I was sniffing extra hard when something went right up my right nostril. It scared the crap out of me!! I must have sneezed fifty times, snot was flying all over the place. I could not catch my breath. I ran out of the planter like a drunkin skunk, sneezing ferociously and trying to find my way back to the house. I was dazed and confused and my eyes were watering up. My G-mom saw me and picked me up and took me into the house. I think she was scared that I picked up something poisonous. She calmed me down and tried to look into my nose, eyes and mouth. She did not find anything, but my nose feels really odd. She took me into the planter to try and find the culprit....she found fox tails on the ground. OH NO!! Do I have one of those pincher things stuck up my nose?? To be continued.....

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!