Rambo's Chihuahua Blog

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Midget's In A Contest

Hi everyone. Happy Sunday. It's been kinda boring around my dog house. G-Mom has been running around like a chicken without a head. She has been shopping and baking and decorating and blah, blah, blah, blah. blah. I am getting dizzy watching her run in and out of the house. In the midst of her spinning circles, she has neglected my blog. (Geez I wish I could type.) So, I am apologizing for her lack of attending to my needs.

My sister Midget Molly wanted me to tell you that she is in a photo contest. She thinks she looks so cute in her elf hat that she made G-Mom submit her photo to Photowow. She wants me to tell you to please vote for her so she can win a prize...so please go and vote for my sister Midget Molly the show-off. love, Rambo pee ess....all the doggies photos are on the right side where is says "Best Pet Photo Contest" and you have to scroll through and vote for other doggies before you see Midget's picture. Rambo's G-Mom here. I think Rambo's the little show off here. Guess who's sitting in the photo right next to Midget? Got a little chihuahua ego Rambo?


Coco Bean - The Princess said...

where do we go to vote?

Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses

Coco - The Princess

Raising Addie said...

Good Luck to Midget!

We will go try to find the picture!

Katie and Gizmo said...

Hi Rambo, I'll go over and vote for her right away.

Goodluck Midget Molly


Samantha: said...

Hi Rambo! Sammie here and I just found your blog - yay! How adorable you are and so is Midget! How can I vote? I nominated you for a lemonade award for great attitude and/or gratitude. Congrats and sorry if you already have one! The rules will be on my blog as soon as I can figure them out, doh! Licks, Samantha

Lorenza said...

Hi, Rambo!
I voted! I was thinking your picture never would appear!
Can I vote again tomorrow??
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Sarah K. said...

We gave you a ten!

Pedro said...


I gave Midge a 10 star vote!!!


Rambo said...

Midget said thank you to everyone who voted for her! Woof.

Clover said...

Hi Rambo!
We went and voted a 10 for Midget Molly (and you too! We saw you there!!)
Love Clover xo

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Rambo
I voted. You & Midget are perfect 10's in my book.
Love Ruby

L said...

We voted for you!

Thank you so much for the card. You two look so festive in your holiday outfits.
Comet and BLU

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I will go vote for MM right away!
I am playing with the pink feather you sent me! I love it!

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Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!