Rambo's Chihuahua Blog

Monday, March 26, 2007

Here I Am, Sam I Am

Sam the Ham I Am

Here is Sam, my best friend, hamming it up for the camera. I didn't know that Sam was such a show off. What's up with that Sam?? Go eat some green eggs and ham, blah.
That Sam I Am.
That Sam I Am.
I do not like that Sam I Am!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Rambo, G-Mom and Guess Who?

It was here again, the whatchamacallit! I can't tell what it is yet, but I don't think it's a chihuahua baby. It still makes alot of noise, but I can't understand it. I wonder if it is a boy or a girl? I wonder if G-Mom likes me better than it? I kissed G-Mom on the lips..........lol!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Oh Where, Oh Where....

Oh where, oh where has my sweet one gone. Oh where, oh where can she be. With her ears so high and her tail so long. Oh where, oh where can she be??

Friday, March 16, 2007


Here's another weird looking bird. I don't think it wants to be friends though. It looks mean and did not stick around very long. He just flew in and flew out of the backyard today. I think it was just looking for something to drink or maybe it's lost. What do you think?
There have been alot of birds hangin around the yard. Is it bird season or something? There is one in the tree that justs whistles all day, and I mean all day. Doesn't it ever get tired?? Take a break you hyper bird!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


See this weird looking bird? It has been hangin around the back yard the last few days. It stands on the block wall and runs back and forth, watching me and Sam. It makes a really loud sound and its kinda scary, like a screech!! If that's the mating call then I don't wonder why its alone. I would fly away if I were a bird. Maybe it's hangin around because it wants to be friends with me and Sam? Maybe it's just a lonely bird.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Stop in the name of Love

This is me in Pasadena again, waiting for my bambina dulce and hoping to get just a little whiff of her. I am sitting here wondering where you are? There are other dogs here, but I cannot think of any other dog but you. I dream of you every night.
Bambina Dulce,
I am overwhelmed with a burning desire A desire locked down deep inside One that cannot be concealed anymore. I long for one sweet kiss to quench my thirst I long for one tender touch that will last a lifetime At the end of it all you are my deepest desire! Love Rambo

Thursday, March 8, 2007

My Other Neighbor "Mr. Red"

This is Mr. Red and he is my neighbor. He is outside right now running on his front lawn. He looks like a mean dog but he is really cool. I like him. He lives with Sara, a german shephard and Nala, a lab. Nala is so old she doesn't bark anymore. How sad. I wonder if she would bark if a coyote got her. Sara, she barks all the time. When her family leaves she barks the whole time. Sometimes she gets on my nerves, like when I am trying to take a nap. Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof....for hours!! She makes the other dogs in the neighborhood bark and then the whole place is crazy!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Dog with the Big Teeth

Why does this dog have such big teeth? Maybe its not a dog, maybe its something else. Maybe it came with the alien that was on the loose a couple of weeks ago. That's it!! It's an alien dog!! I feel sorry for this dog because I think other dogs will laugh at it because it doesn't look like any other dog. Maybe its a crazy alien dog?? Maybe someone should try and catch it before it bites someone with its giant teeth. Does anyone know where this thing is??

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Rambo and Sam: A Day of Play

Sam and I played outside today. It was fun. Sam loves lemons and I don't. He peels the lemon and licks it and makes a funny face. G-Pop has to pick it up because Sam makes a mess.
I think Sam is getting old. He gets tired when we play and has to lay down. I can almost jump as high as his head. When he lays down I jump over his head. He just watches me. Sometimes he barks at me and tries to bite me, but most of the time he just watches me. Poor Sam. He's old.
The smelly things are still on the hill behind our house. I can smell them and they stink.
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